
Peer-Reviewed Articles in English

Buben, R., & Kouba, K. (2024). Democracy and Institutional Change in Times of Crises in Latin America. Journal of Politics in Latin America. (IFwos 2022 = 1.3 | SJR 2022 = 0.5)

Kouba, K., & Lysek, J. (2023). The return of silent elections: democracy, uncontested elections and citizen participation in Czechia. Democratization, 30(8): 1527-1551. (IFwos 2022 = 3.2 | SJR 2022 = 1.8)

Kouba, K., & Dosek, T. (2023). Democratizing urban governance through mayoral term limits: Quasi-experimental evidence from a reform in Chilean municipalities. Cities, 140, 104446. (IFwos 2021 = 6.1 | SJR 2021 = 1.7)

Buben, R. & Kouba, K. (2023). How Czech Democracy Defies the Illiberal Trend. Current History, 122(842): 108-114. (IFwos 2021 = 0.7 | SJR 2021 = 0.2)     

Kouba, K. (2023). The Proscription Paradox: Banning Parties Based on Threshold Requirements and Electoral Volatility in Latin America. Latin American Politics and Society, 62(2): 31-54. (IFwos 2021 = 1.7 | SJR 2021 = 0.7) 

Kouba, K. & Pumr, J. (2023). The Democratic Cost of Consecutive Re-election and Presidential Term-Limit Evasion in Latin America. Government and Opposition, 58(2): 360-390. (IFwos 2020 = 3.3 | SJR 2020 = 1.3

Kouba, K. & Dosek, T. (2023). Understanding the dual glass ceiling of selecting and electing women candidates: evidence from Latin American mayoral elections. Contemporary Politics, 29(3): 208-317.  (IFwos 2021 = 1.7 | SJR 2021 = 0.4)

Kouba, K. & Dosek, T. (2022). Municipal size and local democracy: understanding the trade-off between participation and contestation in Latin America. Local Government Studies, 48(5): 951-972. (IFwos 2021 = 2.1 | SJR 2021 = 0.9) 

Lysek, J. & Kouba, K. (2022). The Unintended Costs and Unfulfilled Promises of Concurrent Elections: A Natural Experiment on Turnout and Invalid Voting. East European Politics and Societies, 36(3): 753-779. (IFwos 2020 = 1.4 | SJR 2019 = 0.4)

Kouba K., & Lysek, J. (2022). The 2020 Czech regional elections: A story of a winner that lost. Regional & Federal Studies, 32(4), 485-497.  (SJR 2020 = 0.5)

Kouba, K., & Haman, M. (2021). When do voters boycott elections with participation quorums? Public Choice, 189(1-2), 279-300. (IFwos 2020 = 2.0  | SJR 2020 = 0.8

Kouba, K. (2021). Where is the class bias attenuation? The consequences of adopting compulsory voting in Austria-Hungary in 1907. European Political Science Review, 13(2), 151-167. (IFwos 2020 =  4.1  | SJR 2020 = 1.9

Kouba, K., Novák, J. & Strnad, M. (2021). Explaining voter turnout in local elections: a global comparative perspective. Contemporary Politics, 27(1), 58-78. (IFwos 2020 = 1.6 | SJR 2020 = 0.8

Buben, R., & Kouba, K. (2020). The Causes of Disease Impact Denialism in Nicaragua's Response to COVID‐19. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39(S1), 103–107. (IFwos 2019 =  0.6  | SJR 2019 = 0.3

Buben, R., & Kouba, K. (2020). Nicaragua in 2019: The Surprising Resilience of Authoritarianism in the Aftermath of Regime Crisis. Revista de Ciencia Política, 40(2), 431-455. (IFwos 2019 =  0.9  | SJR 2019 = 0.5

Kouba, K. (2020). Balancing Study Abroad Student Inflows and Outflows: An Institutionalist Perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(4), 391-408.  (IFwos 2019 =  2.1 | SJR 2017 = 1.6)

Lysek, J., Lebeda, T., & Kouba, K. (2020). Turning out but not voting: invalid ballots in post-communist parliamentary elections. Comparative European Politics, 18(2), 190-214. (IFwos 2019 =  1.2 | SJR 2019 = 0.6

Kouba, K., & Lysek, J. (2019). What Affects Invalid Voting? A Review and and Meta-Analysis. Government and Opposition, 54(4), 745-775. (IFwos 2019 = 2.5 | SJR 2019 = 1.8

Kouba, K., & Myšička, S. (2019). Should and Does Compulsory Voting Reduce Inequality? SAGE Open, 9(1), 1-10. (IFwos 2019 =  0.7 | SJR 2019 = 0.3

Kouba, K., & Došek, T. (2018). Fragmentation of presidential elections and governability crises in Latin America: a curvilinear relationship? Democratization, 25(7), 1270–1290. (IFwos 2018 = 1.9 | SJR 2018 = 1.5

Kouba, K. (2018). Determinants of student participation in higher education governance: the case of student turnout in academic senate elections in Czechia. Higher Education, 76(1), 67–84. (IFwos 2017 = 3.0 | SJR 2017 = 1.7)

Buben, R., & Kouba, K. (2017). Proportional Representation, Large District Magnitude and Closed Lists. World Political Science, 13(2), 151–191. (SJR 2017 = 0.2

Kouba, K., & Lysek, J. (2016). Institutional determinants of invalid voting in post-communist Europe and Latin America. Electoral Studies, 41, 92–104. (IFwos 2016 = 1.4 | SJR 2016 = 1.4

Kouba, K. (2016). Party Institutionalization and the Removal of Presidential Term Limits in Latin America. Revista de Ciencia Política, 36(2), 433–457. (IFwos 2016 = 0.4 | SJR 2016 = 0.4)

Baun, M., Kouba, K., & Marek, D. (2009). Evaluating the Effects of the EU Common Agriculture Policy in a New Member State: The Case of the Czech Republic. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 17(2), 271–292. (SJR 2009 = 0.2

Deets, S., & Kouba, K. (2008). The Czech Greens revived. Environmental Politics, 17(5), 815–821. (IFwos 2008 = 0.9 | SJR 2008 = 1.0

Book Chapters in English

Kouba, K., Císař, O., & Navrátil, J. (2015). The Czech political science: A slow march towards relevance. In B. Krauz-Mozer, M. Kułakowska, P. Borowiec, & P. Ściga (Eds.), Political science in Europe at the beginning of the 21st century (pp. 63–85). Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press Kraków, Poland.

Kouba, K. (2008). The 2006 Elections in Nicaragua. Does the Sandinista Return to Power Threaten Nicaragua’s Democracy? In P. Springerová, L. Špičanová, & J. Němec (Eds.), Election Year 2006: Latin America at the Crossroads (pp. 165–185). Praha: Asociace pro mezinárodní otázky.

Peer-Reviewed Article in Spanish

Kouba, K., & Poskočilová, P. (2014). Los efectos de las reglas electorales sobre el éxito de las mujeres en las elecciones presidenciales en América Latina. América Latina Hoy, 66(1), 17–46. (SJR 2014 = 0.1

Book Chapters in Spanish

Buben, R. & Kouba, K. (2023) ¿Populismo en Nicaragua? Autocratización neopatrimonial sin populismo durante el gobierno de Daniel Ortega. In. M. E. Casullo & H. Brown Araúz (Eds.). El populismo en América Central. (pp. 95-120). Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores Argentina.

Došek, T., Kouba, K., & Springerová, P. (2017). El doble reto de la Ciencia Política latinoamericanista en la República Checa. In F. Freidenberg (Ed.), La Ciencia Política sobre América Latina: la docencia y la investigación en perspectiva comparada (pp. 429–458). Santo Domingo y Ciudad de México: Editorial FUNGLODE e Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Czech

Buben, R., & Kouba, K. (2016). Poměrné zastoupení, velké obvody a přísně vázané kandidátní listiny. Politologická revue, 22(2), 5–41.

Kouba, K. (2015). Proč ubývají voliči a neplatné hlasy ve druhých kolech českých senátních voleb? Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 51(2), 227–259. (IFwos 2015 = 0.3 | SJR 2015 = 0.3)

Kouba, K. (2014). Důsledky prezidentských volebních systému v Latinské Americe. Politologická revue, 20(1), 27–48. ISSN 1211-0353

Kouba, K., Nálepová, M., & Filipec, O. (2013). Proč jsou ženy v české politice podreprezentovány? Analýza kandidátních listin a volebního chování v Olomouckém kraji. Politologický časopis, 20(4), 372–391. 

Kouba, K. (2011). Publikační výsledky českých kateder politologie a mezinárodních vztahů a jejich výzkumníků v citačních databázích (1990–2010). Politologický časopis, 18(4), 354–378. 

Kouba, K. (2009). Opposition in Nicaragua: Between Pact-Making and Confrontation. Journal of Ibero-American Studies, 1(1), 77–94.

Kouba, K. (2009). Models of Causality in Qualitative Political Science Research. Contemporary European Studies, 3(3), 23–28. 

Kouba, K. (2007). Prostorová analýza českého stranického systému. Institucionalizace a prostorové režimy. Sociologický Časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 43(5), 1017–1037. (IFwos 2007 = 0.2 | SJR 2007 = 0.2)

Book in Czech

Kouba, K. (2016). Personalizace voleb a demokracie v Latinské Americe. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury (CDK).

Book Chapters in Czech

Kouba, K. & Došek, J. (2019). Kvalitativní srovnávací analýza. In V. Beneš & P. Drulák (Eds.), Metodologie výzkumu politiky (pp. 149-176). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).

Kouba, K. (2016). O původu počtu stran: endogenita a asymetrická kauzalita ve vztahu volebních a stranických systémů. In M. Novák (Ed.), Strany, volby a demokracie. Od Duvergera k Sartorimu a dále (pp. 229–256). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).

Kouba, K. (2014). Politické důsledky volebních systémů: současný výzkum a počátky české intelektuální tradice v díle Karla Sladkovského. In M. Kubát & T. Lebeda (Eds.), O komparativní politologii a současné české politice (pp. 91–104). Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum.

Kouba, K., & Poskočilová, P. (2012). Politické stranictví a ženy v prezidentském úřadu v Latinské Americe. In V. Fiala (Ed.), Politické strany Afriky, Asie a Latinské Ameriky: rysy politického stranictví (pp. 329–358). Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury.

Kouba, K. (2011). Kvalitativní srovnávací analýza (QCA) a konfigurativní metody v politologii. In M. Novák (Ed.), Úvod do studia politiky (pp. 468–507). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).

Kouba, K. (2011). Stabilita stranických systémů v Latinské Americe v letech 1990 až 2010. In P. Springerová, M. Strmiska, & V. Fiala (Eds.), Teoretické a metodologické problémy výzkumu politických stran Afriky, Asie, Latinské Ameriky a Oceánie (pp. 241–262). Ústí nad Orlicí: Oftis.

Kouba, K. (2009). Integrační procesy ve Střední Americe a Karibiku. In Š. Waisová (Ed.), Regionální integrační procesy (pp. 229–250). Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk.